90min Human Design Consultation

When you come across truly understanding what your Human Design is and how to practically apply it in your life it means you're ready for a foundational paradigm shift in how you experience life.

Complete your details below and you'll be provided with a calendar to schedule your session next where you'll need to know your birth date, time and location.

I look forward meeting with you!

- Dmitri Sennikov

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Human Design Consultation90min Private Session
Minimum donation

A different way to make decisions to dissolve your insecurities and unlock your highest path

New way to look at your past experiences leading to more awareness, understanding and forgiveness both for yourself and others

Clarity about your gifts and lessons you're here to explore, experiment with and master

Confirmation about what lays ahead on your journey to discover your limitless Self

Double-down on your Zone of Genius. Discover what your design says you're here to experience in all areas of your life - health, wealth and relationships.

  • Total payment
  • 1xHuman Design Consultation$197

All prices in USD
